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Astrological Moon Phases

Moon in Aries: this is the best time to do magic that involves leadership, willpower, rebirth, authority, or spiritual conversion. At this time healing rituals for the face, head, or brain can be done.

Moon in Taurus: this is the best time for magic that has to do with love, money, material acquisitions or real estate. At this time healing rituals for the throat, ears and neck can be done.

Moon in Gemini: this is best time to do magick for writing, travel, public relations and good communications. At this time rituals for the shoulders, hands, arms or lungs can be done.

Moon in Cancer: this is the best time to do magick for home and domestic life. At this time healing rituals for the chest or stomach can be done.

Moon in Leo: this is the best time to do magick that involves authority, fertility, courage, childbirth or to have power over others. At this time rituals for the upper back, spine or heart can be done.

Moon in Virgo: this is the best time to do magick that involves health, employment, intellectual matters, or dietary concerns. Ath this time, rituals for the nervous system, and intestines can be done.

Moon in Libra: this is the best time to do magick that involves justice, artistic work, court cases, partnerships, unions, karmic balance, spiritual balance, emotional balance and mental stimulation. At this time rituals involving the lower back or kidney's can be done.

Moon in Scorpio: this is the best time to do magick that has to do with sexual matters, psychic growth, power, secrets and transformations. At this time healing rituals for the reproductive organs can be done.

Moon in Sagittarius: this is the best time for magick that involves legal matters, truth, travel and publications. At this time rituals for teh liver, hips or thighs can be done.

Moon in Capricorn: this is the best time for magick that has to do with ambition, careers, political issues and organization. At this time healing rituals for the bones, knees, teeth or skin can be done.

Moon in Aquarius: this is the best time for magick that has to do with science, expression, freedom, ESP, addictions, friendship and breaking bad habits. At this time rituals for calves, ankles or blood can be done.

Moon in Pisces: this is the best time to do magick that involves dreamwork, telepathy, music and clairvoyance. At this time rituals for the feet or glands can be done.

Moon Lore

Full Moon: Good for almost all types of magick and power raising, but the energy of the Full Moon is generally used for protection magick, divination, and banishing unwanted influences in one's life. It can also be used for planning, releasing and working backwards in time. Give thanks for blessings that have come your way. It is believed that the best results for Full Moon magic can be obtained by conjuring within the seven day period surrounding the Full Moon, three days prior, the night itself, and three days after. Success may take one moon cycle to be obtained. Goddesses: Diana, Mari, Isis, Ashera, Selene.

New Moon: Especially good for new beginnings, the New Moon can be used for personal growth, healing, or the blessing of a new project or venture. The results should come to completion by the first Full Moon. The dark of the moon, the three days before the New Moon, is a time when the moon cannot be seen at all. Traditionally, no magick is performed at this time. It is a time of rest. Hecate rules this time, however, so if her magick is needed, this is the time. Goddesses: Artemis, Nimue, Diana, Astarte, Ana.

Waning Moon: This is the period between the Full and New Moon. A disseminating time for banishing things that we no longer need or want to in our lives. Banishing negative emotions, bad habits, diseases and ailments can be successful at this time. Goddesses: Hecate, Anna

Waxing Moon: This is the period between the New and Full Moon. This is the best time for attraction and growth magick, especially between the New Moon and First Quarter. Waxing is the process of building up, now is the time to push things forward to manifestation. A good time to work with the triple Goddess aspect.

Moon of each month

November: Snow Moon; the snowy brightness and coolness of Her light is upon us.
December: Cold Moon ; the Sun is at its lowest point, and the Moon is a little colder.
January: Wolf Moon ; gather close to the hearth, for wolves draw closer now.
February: Ice Moon ; beneath a blanket of snow and ice, Nature rests.
March: Storm Moon ; the boisterous storms of the light half of the year begin.
April: Growing Moon ; seeds are ready to be planted, and growth begins.
May: Hare Moon ; rabbits leap and play in their mating games, and fertility abounds.
June: Mead Moon (or honey moon) ; honey is gathered for fermentation into mead.
July: Hay Moon ; a potent moon, as tides of psychic energy flow freely.
August: Corn Moon ; a time to contemplate the eternalness of life.
September: Harvest Moon ; time to collect the harvest and seed for new beginnings.
October: Blood Moon ; spirits of the departed join the sacred dance.

Current Moon Phase

All Times are based on Eastern Standard
and Easter Daylight Savings times.

*Source: U.S. Naval Observatory.