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I pray you will get what you deserve.

You embrace the title of a man
Yet, you do not know the meaning.
Your sense of judgment is flawed
By the ignorance of your mind.

You make believe that you are honest
Yet, you can't even admit the truth.
You hide behind a mask
That shadows your true colors.

You call yourself respectful
Yet, you criticize your beloved.
And everyone else around you
Do not know the truth.

You make believe that you have morals,
But all you have is insecurity
For you do not know the meaning
And I pray that you will get what you deserve.

I wish you a good life
With obstacles that you deserve.
I wish you health
With the pain you have given others.

I wish you success
With the intellect you will never achieve.
I wish you a good wife
With all your faults.

I pray that you will have children
That will be as dishonest and disrespectful,
As you once were to your parents,
And all the ones that ever loved you.